Plum blossom (ume) gallery

Plum blossom (ume) gallery

We knew about Japan's famous cherry blossom but the ume (plum blossom) was a surprise for us! Ume blooms in February and here are some photos from ume spots we visited in and around Tokyo.

Odawara, Soga Bessho Bairin


Koishikawa Korakuen


Hanegi Park


This last photo is not of the ume but it is just a tree that Wil liked in Hanegi Park!


Setting the scene for as I wrote this blog:

  • Location: It was straight to our computer for this one as I didn’t have much drafting to do!

  • Weather: 10° C degrees.

  • Soundtrack: “banter” with Wil.

  • Bonus fact: I bought a red leather dress in the past few days. It is a wardrobe essential for life in a new city.

  • Bonus bonus fact: Yes, dog photo shoots are just as popular as human photo shoots during blossom season.

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